Daily Schedule
8:10 Flag Ceremony
8:20 Enter classroom/Unpack/Turn in homework
8:30 Begin Eye Opener Seatwork
8:40 Whole Group Phonics Lesson
9:00 Specials Class: Spanish, Art or Gym
9:30 Snack
9:50 Storytime
10:00 Recess: Indoor/Outdoor
10:15 Writing/History/Science Lesson
11:00 Peer Conferencing/Group Discussions/Storytime
11:20 Prepare for lunch recess: clean up materials, get lunch box, line up
11:30 Lunch recess
11:50 Lunch in gym (hot lunch or bring your own)
12:15 Restime/one on one tuturing
1:00 Clean up cots
1:05 Show and Tell
1:30 Recess
1:45 Math Lesson
2:10 Music Lesson
2:40 Literacy Centers/ Small Group Instruction
3:15 Clean up/ Prepare for dismissal
3:30 Dismissal: walk outside to our green rectangle (north end of bldg.)